I just caught my breath as I look back on last week. Feeling like I just got out alive..barely! Funny how we wonder how we will make it through and yet again the following week it feels like there is life's next nightmare. arggh! I want to know who is manning this operation. They need to understand I must relax so that I can get better. -NOPE- instead I am pushed each week to the brim.
All this talk of ask for help.. it is great to get help but I exhaust myself finding the person who has the energy and the schedule to pull off another persons needs outside of their own. Life has a way of jumping out on you just when you think you have everything in control.. just when you are ready to wrap yourself in your snuggy and crawl into your favorite spot and just relax.
So since i am stubborn maybe even bull headed I have the will to fight. Many people overcome tragedy and illness with a good fight; so why can't I? I don't feel like resting nor do I feel like asking for help..ummm you didn't hear me say that! But really now I have 2 young boys that are "we need you right now" kind of boys. Where is the rest in that? Well there just isn't so cross your fingers that I don't drive myself into the ground :). -I have faith-
I dreamed of being a boxer and a dancer. Now I feel like the only thing I am fighting is my dreams.
Stay tough. I love ya.