Should parents be held responsible for their children's actions? I think we play a major role in our children's progression. Monkey see; monkey do. So my point of writing this is because I wanted to brag but the truth is I have a conscious and I know that my boys gain a major part of their qualities from me. Yah a few I am not proud of. Being a single Mom I sometimes feel it necessary to rough my boys up (wrestle, tease and punch them like a big sister would) Don't worry I am not being abusive but mocking what I would think a Dad would do if he were around. My younger more sensitive son told be yesterday I was a bully. HMM! I wondered how could that be? So I asked and listened. So he says because of the way I beat them up and play with him. OUCH! My first thought was he is being to sensitive he should know I am just playing around with him. I then recall feeling those same emotions as a child and wishing I had a voice to be heard. He continues to tell me in a sweet way he doesn't like bullies and he never want's to be a bully. He refuses to be with kids who might act in that manner. Embarrassing..! my 7 year old is giving me lessons in life. As much as I am a tom boy and loved wrestling and roughing up boys when I was a little girl I have to sort of soften up and be an example for my kids. Shakur is always holding me to my promises and actions. Don't you love a child that keeps you in line. lol The best part of my son watching my every move is that he has taken on some sweet and spiritual actions of mine. I love to see when my actions as a mother prove to be a success. So my son is in the 1st grade and he is new at reading and writing. I have loved writing and in the past year I have been disciplined at keeping a journal. A journal for me is a release of emotion that is necessary but not everyone wants to hear about. I am also grateful for this desire because I only hope it will serve a purpose later in life. So the best part is my son came to me with an empty notebook today and said this is his journal. He shared with me it's contents "I am a fan of Ellen (Degeneres)" he writes -so funny- He professes his love but we will keep the girls a secret. I just love that he is keeping a journal. I won't be naughty and tell all but he makes me laugh. The best part is how he is sounding out words to spell and my favorite part is that he spelled favorite =Fabret. Kids are sweet, I wish I had 20 so I could laugh all day.