Sunday, January 9, 2011

As we grow

This evening I had dinner at Mom and Dad's. My Mom has a screamin enchilada recipe. Both the boys and I had our fair share of helpings and packed a lunch for tomorrow. My favorite part about dinner was our conversation. I loved the fact that we sat as a family and talked about each one of our strengths. We spent time listening and contributing to the conversation. Mostly we talked about what impressed us at church and how we might prepare for any down turn in the economy. I have a strong testimony of not living beyond your means and ridding yourself of all things both expensive and distracting. You can say I have an addiction to making and saving money. Addiction normally is used in negative light but in this case it is an extreme blessing. This desire to save and protect my family or financial situation is talked about so much it is starting to rub off on those around me. Society has a way of making us feel as if we need or can't live with out certain things of life. I am guilty of living this way or spending more money because I didn't plan or prepare in advance. House of order has weighed heavy on my mind. I find that it takes more energy to play catch up then it does to just put time and effort in each day. Preparation is important and vital to create order within your daily tasks. Becoming a parent is the most trusted gift the Lord has given us. Raising our children during these times can be challenging but if we take the time to just listen, learn and watch their every move we will have the opportunity to operate and function with much success. I look forward to teaching moments and teaching them about morals and standards. I am proud to be a Mom and proud of what my boys are becoming.

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